Your health and comfort are our priorities at all times. Excellence in clinical dentistry. Honesty with patients. A passion of practicing dentistry. These are what set our practice superior and offer you an exceptional experience. We maintain high standards of excellence in all that we do to provide the quality dental services our patients deserve. We provide consultation and comprehensive treatment planning, carefully explaining all restorative and cosmetic techniques that we recommend to achieve your optimal dental health. Should a dental emergency occur, we make every effort to see and care for you as soon as possible.
As a practice, we are true believers that preventive care and education are the keys to optimal dental health. We focus on thorough exams - checking the overall health of your teeth and gums, taking x-rays when necessary. We also know that routine cleanings, flossing, sealants and fluoride are all helpful in preventing dental disease. We want you to have a beautiful, healthy smile. A review of your medical history also can help us stay informed of your overall health, any new medications, and any illnesses that may impact your dental health.
Make an appointmentKeeping your teeth clean every day is one of the most important things you can do to keep your smile healthy. Regular dental exams and dental cleanings at the dentist are important, too. Dr. Wang will examine your teeth, and then customize your cleaning as part of your personalized care.
When you have missing or damaged teeth, it's hard to keep your mouth healthy. More importantly, when you have missing teeth, your remaining teeth can loosen, which may lead to additional tooth loss. We're here to help. Crowns and bridges are often a solution that can fill the gaps and restore your mouth back to a healthy state. There are several types and materials of crowns and bridges. Dr. Wang will recommend the best type of crown and/or bridge based on your individual circumstance.
Fillings are most commonly used to treat cavities. They're also used to repair minimal tooth fractures, tooth decay or otherwise damaged surfaces of the teeth. Dr. Wang will examine suspect teeth using a dental probe and caries detecting liquid, as well as take an X-ray to determine the extent and exact location of the cavity and decay. Once it is determined that a filling is needed, she will advise you of your options for filling and sealing the cavity to prevent further decay and damage to the tooth.
A root canal is a dental treatment to remove diseased pulp tissue from the interior of a tooth. Dr. Wang will use tiny instruments to extract the remaining pulp from the tooth, thoroughly disinfecting the tooth canal in the process. Once an affected tooth's canals are sufficiently cleansed and shaped, they are filled with materials designed to prevent pain and infection from recurring.
The main problem with over-the-counter teeth-whitening products is that they're not as strong as the products your dentist can supply. You may have to expose your teeth to whitening chemicals over longer periods of time to achieve noticeable results, which can be detrimental to the health of your teeth. In-office teeth-whitening procedures are available, and they typically take around 45 minutes to complete. The process is simple and you can expect the teeth-whitening procedure to lighten your teeth by five to 10 shades, and you'll step out with a brighter, whiter smile.